grace under pressure - studies in space
confused + affected
episodes of glam + gutter
100.80.40 - rats in the living room
splitter + stream / rhetorics of flesh
threads + knots
local aliens - distracted + errant
re.visited – work on mozart
flat rooms – flat dances
trajectory - filmpreview, texts + pictures
trajectory - pictures of the fleeting world
dark angels
serious interludes IV
serious interludes II
murmurs + splotches
news garden / private echoes
archival beach
organic display
radio *luma : into the night
gaps in your semiotic soup
news garden
sector 7 : assorted oddities
black fog - news from the planet of dogs
echoes - 18 gestures in space
enfleshings after lassnig, maria

7, reece mews, london

Foto: company

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murmurs + splotches

Neue Arbeit für die von Micha Purucker mitgegründete Laboratory Dance Projects / Seoul

Premiere: 3. September 2015, Daehangno Arts Theater, Seoul

a cooperation with ldp, laboratory dance projects seoul
choreography: micha purucker
music: robert merdzo
danced by ldp 2015

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